Friday, January 30, 2009

Just about the most scariest thing happened to me yesterday. I was thinking about my dad all day but didnt think anything about it. I just figured that if I did call him what would I say. Well my Mom called me last night about 5:30 p.m. and told me that they was taking my dad to the hospital. He was having really bad chest pains and was having a really hard time breathing. They got him to the hospital and done all sorts of tests on him. His heart looks good and his chest looks good. THey are not sure what is wrong. Early this morning he had another episode. So they gave him some more moriphine and are watching him. He is in ICU right now, and we dont know what is wrong with him. The Doctors are still trying to find out what is wrong. So long story short, when you are thinking of someone call them or go stop by, that feeling is there for a reason.


Judy Andreason said...

Carrie, I hope you dad will be OK.

Sarah MomE25 said...

That is so scary. Please keep us updated. I hope he will be O.K.

Jensens said...

That IS scary. We hope everything is OK and it just turns out to be some wierd episode that goes away and never returns! Medical things are my worst fear. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.